A series of benzoyl and cinnamoyl nitrogen mustards tethered to different benzoheterocycles and to oligopyrroles structurally related to netropsin consisting of two pyrrole-amide units and terminating with an amidine moiety have been synthesised and a structure--activity relationship determined. Derivatives 3--10 have been evaluated for their sequence selective alkylating properties and cytotoxicity against human K562 leukaemia cells. They are 2- to 50-fold less cytotoxic than tallimustine, with compound 8 being the most potent member of this series. Among tallimustine isosters, the compounds with an indole 3 or benzothiophene 6 are 4-fold less cytotoxic than tallimustine, while the compounds with an N-methyl indole or benzofuran showed a 7- and 14-fold reduced cytotoxic potency, respectively. Our preliminary results indicate that these derivatives preferentially bind to AT-rich sequence with a sequence selectivity similar to tallimustine.