Body language--non-verbal cues

Br J Perioper Nurs. 2000 Oct;10(10):512-8. doi: 10.1177/175045890001001003.


Interviews for employment are significant events in peoples lives. Preparing for one and getting through it can be a memorable experience, good or bad. We all know that what we don't say can be as important as what we do say. In this fascinating piece of research Lesley Mason describes how she was able to relate the non-verbal communication of interview candidates to the outcome of the interview. Read on and find out what you were really saying as you sat, squirmed or twiddled your way through that last interview....

MeSH terms

  • Cues*
  • Humans
  • Nonverbal Communication*
  • Perioperative Nursing*
  • Personnel Selection*
  • United Kingdom