A gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, straight to slightly curved rod-shaped bacterium (RE35F/12T) sensitive to vibriostatic agent O/129 was previously isolated from sea water (Western Mediterranean Sea, Bay of Calvi, Corsica, France) by 0.2 microm-membrane filtration. Strain RE35/F12T (= CIP 107077T = DSM 14347T) was facultatively oligotrophic, halophilic, required Na+ for growth and produced acid but no gas from D-glucose under anaerobic conditions. Comparative 165 rRNA gene-sequence analyses demonstrated that the bacterium is most closely related (94.3%) to Vibrio scophthalmi. Similarities to the sequences of all other established Vibrio species ranged from 93.6% (with Vibrio aestuarianus) to 90.7% (with Vibrio rumoiensis). Strain RE35/F12T occupies a distinct phylogenetic position; this is similar to the case of Vibrio hollisae, because RE35F/12T represents a relatively long subline of descent sharing a branching point with the outskirts species V. hollisae. The G+C content of the DNA was 49.5 mol%. Ubiquinone Q-8 was the main respiratory lipoquinone, and 16:1omega9cis, 16:0 and 18:1trans9, cis11 were the major cellular fatty acids, 16:1omega9cis being predominant. The polyamine pattern was characterized by the presence of the triamine sym-norspermidine. On the basis of the polyphasic information summarized above, a new Vibrio species is described for which the name Vibrio calviensis sp. nov. is proposed.