Production and condition index of a turkeywing (Arca zebra) population were studied from August 1984 to August 1985 in Pariche, Cariaco Gulf, Venezuela. Production was studied through bimonthly collections using a method designed for populations with continuous reproduction and indistinguishable age classes. The population distribution was stable with a mean density of 37 ind.m-2. A production of 131.61 g dry weight m-2 year-1 was calculated from data on density, biomass and weight increase along the year. Highest production was between February 1985 and August 1985 (65%) and concentrated in individuals 60.00-79.95 mm long (45.73%). There was large seasonal variation in the mean monthly condition index (IC = (Ps/Ph) x 100) in the two size classes examined: it reached a maximum in July 1985 (26.84%) and a minimum in January 1985 (16.31%).