The aim of this report was to evaluate the effectiveness of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) in staging, diagnosis, and treatment of lung cancer. Fifty-two patients were scheduled for mediastinal lymph node VATS biopsy at the Oncologic Thoracic Surgery Department of the National Cancer Institute in Milan. Fifty patients underwent lymph nodal thoracoscopic biopsy (96%), whereas for the other 2 patients, histologic diagnosis was done by pleural metastatic nodule thoracoscopic biopsy (4%). We performed 17 lymph nodal biopsies in level 5 (33%), 14 in level 6 (27%), 12 in level 7 (23%), and 7 in level 8 (13%). No postoperative complications were observed, and 19 subjects (36%) underwent open lung resection. The histologic diagnosis was adenocarcinoma in 25 cases (48%), epidermoid carcinoma in 14 (27%), microcytoma in 9 (17%), and giant-cell lung carcinoma in 4 (8%); 10 patients were at stage I (19%), 9 at stage II (17%), 31 at stage III (60%), and 2 at stage IV (4%). The use of VATS allowed diagnosis of the suspected involved mediastinal lymph nodes in lung cancer patients and obviated the need for painful thoracotomy, enabling accurate staging and thus selection of the optimal treatment.