Chronic Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension (CH-PHT) is characterized by pulmonary artery (PA) vasoconstriction and cell proliferation/hypertrophy. PA smooth muscle cell (PASMC) contractility and proliferation are controlled by cytosolic Ca++ levels, which are largely determined by membrane potential (E(M)). E(M) is depolarized in CH-PHT due to decreased expression and functional inhibition of several redox-regulated, 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) sensitive, voltage-gated K+ channels (Kv1.5 and Kv2.1). Humans with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) also have decreased PASMC expression of Kv1.5 and Kv2.1. We speculate this "K+-channelopathy" contributes to PASMC depolarization and Ca++ overload thus promoting vasoconstriction and PASMC proliferation. We hypothesized that restoration of Kv channel expression in PHT and might eventually be beneficial.
Methods: Two strategies were used to increase Kv channel expression in PASMCs: oral administration of a metabolic modulator drug (Dichloroacetate, DCA) and direct Kv gene transfer using an adenovirus (Ad5-Kv2.1). DCA a pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase inhibitor, promotes a more oxidized redox state mimicking normoxia and previously has been noted to increase K+ current in myocytes. Rats were given DCA in the drinking water after the development of CH-PHT and hemodynamics were measured approximately 5 days later. We also tested the ability of Ad5-Kv2.1 to increase Kv2.1 channel expression and function in human PAs ex vivo.
Results: The DCA-treated rats had decreased PVR, RVH and PA remodeling compared to the control CH-PHT rats (n=5/group, p<0.05). DCA restored Kv2.1 expression and PASMC Kv current density to near normoxic levels. Adenoviral gene transfer increased expression of Kv2.1 channels and enhanced 4-AP constriction in human PAs.
Conclusion: Increasing Kv channel function in PAs is feasible and might be beneficial.