Some molecular properties of the purified neutral alpha-glucosidase from human kidney were studied. The enzyme is a glycoprotein with high molecular weight (315000-352000 according to the method used). Its sedimentation coefficient is 12.9S. It exhibits at least three peaks of activity in isoelectric focusing experiments. This heterogeneity appears to be related to sialic acid residues from the carbohydrate moiety. An anti-human renal alpha-glucosidase antiserum was raised from rabbit. The antiserum effect on human intestinal maltases was studied in immunodiffusion experiments. An identity pattern was observed between renal neutral alpha-glucosidase and intestinal glucoamylase. No precipitation occurred with intestinal sucrase. Renal neutral alpha-glucosidase and intestinal glucoamylase were both completely precipitated by the antiserum, their maltase activity being only slightly inhibited in the antigen-antibody complex. From their molecular and immunological properties a large homology appears between human renal alpha-glucosidase and intestinal glycoamylase.