Laparoscopic D2 lymph node dissection for advanced gastric cancer located in the middle or lower third portion of the stomach

Gastric Cancer. 2000 Aug 4;3(1):50-55. doi: 10.1007/pl00011690.


The standard lymph node dissection for advanced gastric cancer is a D2 dissection, performed in accordance with the new Japanese classification of gastric carcinoma (13th edition). Although laparoscopic D2 dissections according to the General rules for gastric cancer study (12th edition) have been reported, no studies have reported laparoscopic D2 dissections according to the revised classification for advanced gastric cancers located in the middle or lower portions of the stomach. The lack of such studies is due to the perceived technical difficulty of the procedure. However, we successfully performed this novel procedure in five patients with advanced gastric cancer located in the middle or lower portions of the stomach. In fact, this surgical procedure is technically feasible and safe.