A prospective study of 103 consecutive patients who underwent day case knee arthroscopy was performed. The purpose was to evaluate the information delivery system, patient comprehension, and issues of informed consent pertaining to day case arthroscopy procedures. There were 34 females and 69 males in the study group and their mean age was 38.6 years (range: 14.4 to 74.9 years). The diagnosis, procedure, and aftercare were explained to the patients in the outpatients clinic by a trained nurse and by the operating surgeon just prior to the operation. The nurse before the operation gave the patients an information booklet. Postoperatively the patients were informed about the findings and diagnosis prior to their discharge from the day care facility. Patients were requested to complete a questionnaire. Three weeks later they were given the same questionnaire, prior to consultation, in the outpatient clinic. These two forms were compared with the operative findings and diagnosis documented in the copy, of the questionnaire completed by the surgeon as well as the case notes. Most patients (38.8%; 40 patients) had no recollection; 3.9% (4 patients) had partial recollection at their consultation three weeks later; 19.4% (20 patients) found that the arthroscopic photograph was not helpful in making them understand the procedure; and 9.7% (10 patients) found the information booklet to be unhelpful. Further, 23.3% (24 patients) said that it would not help if the booklet were sent to them prior to the operation. The recollection rate was also correlated to their position on the operating list, to ascertain the effect of the anesthetic. There was a 65.9% (58 patients) recollection rate in those patients who were on the first half of the list and there was only a 33.33% recollection rate in those patients who were last or second to the last [p = 0.0225]. We recommend regular evaluation and improvement in the communication and information delivery system provided to patients.