We performed an investigation of two unrelated cases with extremal variants of chromosome 21 without visible materials of the short arms (Christchurch or Ch1 chromosome). In the first case chromosome 21p- was initially detected during routine cytogenetic amniocentesis. Chromosomal variant was inherited from phenotypically normal father to phenotypically normal fetus (phenotypically normal boy after the birth). The second case of chromosome 21p- was detected in 7 years old boy, referred to cytogenetic analysis due to mental retardation and mild congenital malformation, including prenatal hypoplasia, microcephaly, low-set dysplastic ears, short nose, micrognatia, short neck. Molecular characterization of 21p-variant chromosomes was performed by the use of FISH with DNA probes specific to the short arm and centromeric region of chromosome 21 (telomeric, beta-satellite, ribosomal, classical satellite and alphoid DNA probes). Chromosomes 21p-hybridized positively only with telomeric DNA at both chromosomal ends and alphoid DNA probes at centromeric region of the first patient. In second case (de novo deletion of 21p), the Ch1 was associated with clinical phenotype and loss of telomeric and subtelomeric DNA in the p-arm of chromosome 21. Therefore, the complete absent of the short arm of chromosome 21 may be considered as abnormal. We propose that de novo deletion 21p- could have negative consequences due to absence of large portion of chromosomal DNA from the p-arm (telomeric, satellite or ribosomal DNAs) and following imbalance in organization and functioning of genome.