Competitive Polymerase Chain Reaction primers were designed for Streptococcus, B. fibrisolvens, P. bryantii, Eubacterium sp., Prevotella, and a universal primer for the eubacteria. DNA was extracted from rumen contents collected from eight dairy cows fed four diets: adequate nitrogen, adequate nitrogen plus carbohydrate, low nitrogen, and low nitrogen plus carbohydrate. B. fibrisolvens was significantly higher on the adequate nitrogen plus carbohydrate and the low nitrogen plus carbohydrate diets compared with the other diets, while P. bryantii was significantly higher on the low nitrogen plus carbohydrate diet compared with the adequate nitrogen diet. The population of Eubacterium sp. was significantly lower on both the adequate nitrogen plus carbohydrate and low nitrogen plus carbohydrate diets. Streptococcus populations were significantly lower on the low nitrogen plus carbohydrate diet compared with all three other diets, whereas there were no significant differences in populations of Prevotella or total eubacteria on any of the diets.