Because thyroidal dendritic cells (t-DC) may be implicated in the pathogenesis of Graves' disease (GD), we compared t-DC in thyroid sections of patients with GD (n = 15) and control patients with toxic (TG; n = 12) or non-toxic goitre (NG; n = 12). Goitres in GD, but not TG or NG, were populated with three discernible t-DC phenotypes. (i) Immature t-DC (major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II+/CD40-/CD80-) were located perifollicularly (95% of the patients with GD, but only 55% of TG and 51% of NG patients); numbers of such t-DC were significantly elevated in GD (P < 0.001). (ii) Partially matured CD80+ t-DC were present in connective tissue (73% of the patients) and focal interstitial clusters (40% of the patients). In 53% of the patients with GD, single as well as clustered interstitial t-DC expressed CD40. (iii) However, phenotypically mature t-DC (MHC II+/CD40+/CD80+/RFD1+) were only present in clusters and colocalized with activated CD4+/MHC class II+ T-helper (Th) cells. Expression of CD54 and CD83 did not significantly differ among the groups. The phenotype of intrathyroidal DC in GD thus supports their role as potential (co)stimulators of thyroid autoimmunity.