Selectivity, binding stoichiometry, and mode of binding of Tel01, distamycin A, and diethylthiocarbocyanine iodide (DTC) to the parallel stranded G4-quadruplex [d(T2G5T)]4 were investigated by ESI-MS. The first drug/quadruplex complexes observed by ESI-MS are described. Tel01, distamycin A, and DTC all form complexes with quadruplex DNA, but only Tel01 is completely selective for quadruplex versus duplex oligonucleotide under the conditions employed. Previous solution determinations of the binding mode of Tel01 and distamycin A to quadruplex oligonucleotides indicate that Tel01 interacts through end-stacking with guanine tetrads of quadruplex DNA, while distamycin A interacts by binding to quadruplex grooves. When these two different drug/quadruplex complexes are subjected to collisionally activated dissociation in a mass spectrometer, the observed fragmentation patterns are distinct. Tel01/quadruplex complexes undergo facile loss of drug and dissociation to single-strand oligonucleotide ions, while distamycin/quadruplex complexes fragment into single-strand oligonucleotide ions in which the drug molecule is retained. Dissociation patterns for DTC/quadruplex complexes are similar to those of distamycin; therefore, it is concluded that DTC interacts with [d(T2G5T)]4 through groove-binding. These ESI-MS results are applicable to both the identification and characterization of G-quadruplex interactive agents and may also be useful in probing unusual DNA structures.