Histologic work-up of just MR-detected breast lesions has become essential with increasing use of contrast-enhanced MR imaging. In the present article an overview is given about the different MR-guided breast interventions, performed since 1990. Presently, for reasons of costs and image quality closed magnets are most widely used. The following approaches have been described: MR-guided freehand localization in supine position, stereotaxic localization in supine position and most frequently used localization in the prone position by means of a compression device that immobilises the breast to prevent tissue shift during intervention. Only limited experience exists with interventions on open magnets. MR-guided wire localization is a well-established procedure. Recently, percutaneous vacuum biopsy of enhancing breast lesions has become possible under MR guidance. The new system allows accurate and safe access to lesions in any location of the breast and direct check-up of representative excision by visualisation of the cavity. Thus reliable histologic evaluation of lesions smaller than 10 mm is possible with this approach.