Objectives: Recurring diarrhea and persistent diarrhea are commonly associated with malnutrition and long-term functional deficits. A beneficial approach would be to develop an alanyl-glutamine (AlaGln)-based oral rehydration and nutrition therapy (ORNT). We investigated the effect of an AlaGln-ORNT solution on electrolyte and water absorption in a rat model of secretory diarrhea induced by cholera toxin.
Methods: Phenolsulfonphthalein (50 microg/mL) was used as a non-absorbable marker for calculation of net water and electrolyte transport. Solutions tested were Ringer's solution, a glutamine-based ORNT (Gln-ORNT) solution, and an AlaGln-ORNT solution. Cholera toxin (1 microg/mL) was injected into lumen of rat small intestinal segments and incubated for 18 h before the initiation of the perfusion.
Results: Cholera toxin induced significant secretion of electrolyte and water in the control Ringer's solution. AlaGln-ORNT and Gln-ORNT solutions reduced the sodium secretory effect of cholera toxin by 128% and 36%, respectively. The net water secretion also was reduced by 95% and 60%, respectively, with the AlaGln-ORNT and Gln-ORTN solutions.
Conclusions: These results showed that AlaGln-ORNT solution can enhance water and electrolyte intestinal absorption even better than glutamine or glucose and thus provide a potential novel approach for ORNT to break the vicious cycle of diarrhea and malnutrition. Clinical trials are now needed in children and adults with diarrhea and malnutrition.