We report the identification of a previously undetected Xenopus laevis egg envelope component discovered through cloning experiments. A cDNA sequence was found that represented a mature protein of 32 kDa. Peptide antibodies were generated to probe for the protein in egg envelope samples and reactivity was found to a glycoprotein of approximately 80 kDa. When deglycosylated egg envelope samples were probed, a 32 kDa protein was labeled, confirming the size of the translated cDNA sequence. A BLAST analysis showed that it is most closely related (34% amino acid identity) to the ZP domains of mammalian tectorin, uromodulin and ZPA. From a dendrogram of known egg envelope glycoproteins, the new glycoprotein was shown to be unique among egg envelope components and was designated ZPD. A similar glycoprotein was identified by immunocrossreactivity in Xenopus tropicalis and Xenopus borealis egg envelopes.