Entamoeba, Giardia, and trichomonads are the prominent members of a group known as 'mucosal parasites'. While Entamoeba and Giardia trophozoites colonise the small intestine, trichomonads inhabit the genitourinary tracts of humans and animals. These protozoa lack mitochondria, well-developed Golgi complexes, and other organelles typical of higher eukaryotes. Nonetheless, they have developed unique metabolic pathways that allow them to survive and multiply in the small intestine and reproductive tracts by scavenging nutrients from the host. Various investigators have shown that these protozoa are unable to synthesise the majority of their own lipids and cholesterol de novo; rather, they depend mostly on supplies from outside sources. Therefore, questions of how they transport and utilise exogenous lipids for metabolic purposes are extremely important. There is evidence suggesting that these parasites can take up the lipids and cholesterol they need from lipoprotein particles present in the host and/or in the growth medium. Studies also support the idea that individual lipid and fatty acid molecules can be transported without the help of lipoproteins. Exogenous phospholipids have been shown to undergo fatty acid remodelling (by deacylation/reacylation reactions), which allows these protozoa to alter lipids, bypassing the synthesis of entirely new phospholipid molecules. In addition, many of these amitochondriates are, however, capable of elongating/desaturating long-chain fatty acids, and assembling novel glycophospholipid molecules. In this review, progress in various aspects of lipid research on these organisms is discussed. Attempts are also made to identify steps of lipid metabolic pathways that can be used to develop chemotherapeutic agents against these and other mucosal parasites.