Mutations of the human plectin gene (Plec1) cause autosomal recessive epidermolysis bullosa simplex with muscular dystrophy (EBS-MD). Here, we report on molecular mechanisms leading to severe dystrophic muscle alterations in EBS-MD. Analysis of a 25-yr-old EBS-MD patient carrying a novel homozygous 16-bp insertion mutation (13803ins16/13803ins16) close to the intermediate filament (IF) binding site of plectin showed severe disorganization of the myogenic IF cytoskeleton. Intermyofibrillar and subsarcolemmal accumulations of assembled but highly unordered desmin filaments may be attributed to impaired desmin binding capability of the mutant plectin. This IF pathology was also associated with severe mitochondrial dysfunction, suggesting that the muscle pathology of EBS-MD caused by IF disorganization leads not only to defects in mechanical force transduction but also to metabolic dysfunction. Beyond EBS-MD, our data may contribute to the understanding of other myopathies characterized by sarcoplasmic IF accumulations such as desminopathies or alpha-B-crystallinopathies.