The profile and function of blood and uterine leukocytes were evaluated in 14 dairy cows that spontaneously recovered from postpartum endometritis (mild, n=6 and heavy, n=8; general health not affected). From a minimum of 2 weeks before parturition until 6 weeks postpartum, blood samples were obtained twice weekly for leukocyte counts and leukogram determination and once weekly for flow cytometry assessment of polimorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) phagocytic capacity and oxidative burst activity. Uterine fluid-stained smears, obtained twice weekly from parturition until fluid was present in the uterus, were used for determination of the percentage of PMN, of phagocytizing PMN (phago-PMN) and of the mean number of phagocyted bacteria per phagocytizing PMN (phagocytic index; PI). Uterine swabs were obtained twice weekly from parturition until 35 days postpartum for bacteriological examination. The time of endometritis diagnosis was similar in cows with mild or heavy endometritis but the latter cows had a significantly longer persistence of the infection and of the isolation of Gram-negative anaerobes from the uterus. However, the effect of group (mild versus heavy) was not significant for all the blood and uterine parameters analysed. The effect of sampling day (within group effect) was significant (p<0.01 to p<0.00001) for all parameters, except for the blood monocyte count and the blood PMN phagocytic capacity, in which only a tendency for significance was observed (p<0.1). The effect of the interaction group x sampling day was significant only for the blood monocyte count. The phago-PMN and the PI were significantly correlated (r=0.70, p<0.001). A significant correlation was also observed between the uterine fluid phago-PMN and the blood PMN oxidative burst activity (r=-0.41, p<0.05). At the spontaneous recovery, the blood PMN oxidative burst activity was significantly higher (p<0.05) and the percentage of intrauterine phago-PMN and the PI were significantly lower (p<0.001 and p<0.01, respectively) than at diagnosis of endometritis. These results suggest that a decrease in blood PMN oxidative burst activity until the first week postpartum could be associated with an increased susceptibility to early postpartum endometritis. The later increase in this parameter as well as the increase in the intrauterine fluid phago-PMN and PI, might favour the spontaneous resolution of endometritis.