A total of 102 radical cystectomies have been conducted for 1996-2001 (94 males, 8 females, age 37-78 years, mean age 57.5 years). Most of the patients (81.4%) were diagnosed to have transitional cell carcinoma. Supravesical urine derivation was made by means of ureterocutaneostomy and transureteroureteronephrostomy in 7(6.9) patients, ureterosigmoanastomosis--in 41(40.2%), Sigma-rectumpouch--in 1(0.9%) patients, ileocystoplasty, largely by Hautmann and Studer was carried out in 52(51%) patients. Postoperative complications developed in 25(24.5%) patients who often had adhesive ileus. Four patients died: 2 of pulmonary artery thromboembolism, 1 of acute cardiac failure and 1 of sepsis. Methods of continence urine derivation were preferred, such as ureterosigmoanastomosis by Mainz-Pouch II and creation of orthotopic bladder of the ileum.