A localized 2D J-resolved (JPRESS) MR spectroscopic sequence was evaluated in human prostates in vivo. Voxels of typically 2 ml were placed in the peripheral zone of the prostate. Eight healthy volunteers, three subjects with benign prostatic hyperplasia, and three patients with prostatic cancer were scanned on a 1.5T MR scanner, using a body coil for RF transmission and a pelvic phased-array coil combined with a disposable endorectal coil for signal reception. The total acquisition time for a 2D JPRESS spectrum was approximately 17 min. A major advantage of the endorectal 2D JPRESS was the ability to resolve the peaks of choline-containing compounds and those of spermine unequivocally. Spectral results clearly showed the biochemical changes in cancer and benign compared to healthy prostates, in conformity with ex vivo biochemical findings. The preliminary results suggest that the endorectal 2D JPRESS could be successfully implemented for the diagnostic examination of human prostates. .
Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.