Antisense (AS) oligodeoxynucleotides targeting G-protein alpha-subunits distinguish feeding responses of morphine and its metabolite, as well as nocturnal and deprivation-induced feeding. The present study examined whether feeding elicited by beta-endorphin (betaEND) or dynorphin A(1-17) was altered by ventricularly-applied G(i)alpha(1), G(i)alpha(2), G(i)alpha(3), G(s)alpha, G(o)alpha, G(q)alpha or G(x/z)alpha AS probes, or a nonsense (NS) control. The betaEND-induced feeding was reduced by the G(i)alpha(1) and G(x/z)alpha AS probes, and increased by G(i)alpha(2) or G(i)alpha(3) AS treatment. Dynorphin-induced feeding was attenuated by G(i)alpha(1) and G(o)alpha AS treatment. Yet, G(s)alpha or G(q)alpha AS and NS treatments failed to alter opioid agonist-induced feeding. These data provide initial characterization of potential effector signaling pathways mediating betaEND and dynorphin-induced feeding.