We report the case of a 30-year-old eastern European female who presented with right upper quadrant pain. Clinical examination was unremarkable and liver function tests were normal. CT identified a 5 cm lesion in segment V of the liver, which was of homogeneous low density with no calcification or significant enhancement. MRI showed the lesion to be hypointense to liver on T(1) weighted sequences and isointense on T(2) weighted sequences. Rapid arterial enhancement with gadolinium-DTPA faded without leaving a definite central scar. Ultrasound showed the lesion to be echogenic with minimal vascularity. Administration of a liver-specific microbubble contrast agent showed low uptake relative to the surrounding liver. Phosphorus-31 MR spectroscopy, localized to the lesion itself, revealed a markedly increased phosphomonoester resonance with a decreased phosphodiester resonance, compatible with increased cell turnover. Biopsy confirmed the lesion to be a hepatocellular adenoma. The diagnosis of a hepatic adenoma is difficult with tissue diagnosis the gold standard, but it may be suggested by a combination of imaging modalities. We have described two new imaging techniques not previously described in characterization of hepatic adenomata, namely ultrasound with contrast agent and MR spectroscopy.