Persistent cross-linking of hen egg lysozyme (HEL)-specific B cell membrane Ig (mIg) in double transgenic mice that express soluble HEL as a self Ag (HEL-Ig mice) decreases B cell mIgM expression, responsiveness, and life span. Because in vitro treatment with IL-4 inhibits T cell apoptosis through a Stat6-independent mechanism, increases mIg expression, and suppresses activation-induced B cell death, we studied IL-4 effects on B cell mIg expression, survival, and Ab secretion in Stat6-sufficient and deficient HEL-Ig mice. IL-4 treatment nearly normalized B cell number and greatly increased the percentage of mature B cells in HEL-Ig mice, but failed to normalize mIgM expression or spontaneous LPS-induced IgM secretion. IL-4 effects on B cell survival and maturation were CD4(+) T cell independent, but Stat6 dependent, and did not involve receptor editing. IL-4 had to be present while B cells were generated to have a detectable effect on autoreactive B cell survival; however, the survival of B cells generated in the presence of IL-4 was substantially increased even after IL-4 was withdrawn. These observations suggest that: 1) activation-induced B cell death and anergy are independent processes; 2) B cells that survive to maturity develop increased resistance to Ag-induced deletion; and 3) IL-4 promotes B and T cell survival through different mechanisms.