Purpose: To investigate the relationship between the susceptibility of B-chronic lymphoid leukaemia (B-CLL) cells to DNA damage-induced apoptosis, the kinetics of DNA strand-break rejoining, and chromosome damage after exposure to ionizing irradiation.
Materials and methods: Lymphocytes from B-CLL patients were gamma-irradiated in vitro with 0.2-5 Gy and stimulated by Staphylococcus aureus cowan I (SAC I) for estimation of chromosomal damage. Induction of apoptosis after irradiation was studied in 50 patients by two methods: morphological characterization of apoptotic cells after fluorescent staining (Hoechst), and specific quantification of mono- and oligonucleosomes in cytoplasmic cell fractions (ELISA assay). Morphological chromosome damage was scored in the first cell generation after irradiation (13 patients). In parallel, the kinetics of DNA single-strand break rejoining were investigated by the alkaline comet assay (12 patients).
Results: Ionizing irradiation did not induce apoptosis in lymphocytes from a subset of B-CLL patients. The results suggest that B-CLL cells resistant to radiation-induced apoptosis could repair DNA strand-breaks more rapidly and showed a higher level of chromosome aberrations than radiation-sensitive B-CLL cells.
Conclusion: Each of three biological effects observed (apoptosis, kinetics of DNA single-strand-break repair, chromosomal damage) might be explained by different modifications occurring in irradiated B-CLL cells. Their convergence strongly suggests that resistance to apoptotic death initiation by DNA damage may be impeded by a rapid engaging of the DNA repair mechanisms. The higher level of chromosome aberrations observed in these cells suggests that the type of DNA repair system involved may generate inaccurate repair.