The pelvic-floor is under voluntary control and plays an important role in the pathophysiology of lower urinary tract (LUT) dysfunctions in children, especially of non-neuropathic bladder sphincter dysfunction. The following therapeutic measures can be applied to try to influence the activity of the pelvic-floor during voiding: proprioceptive exercises of the pelvic-floor (manual testing), visualization of the electromyographic registration of relaxation and contraction of the pelvic-floor by a curve on a display (relaxation biofeedback), observation of the flow curve during voiding (uroflow biofeedback), learning of an adequate toilet posture in order to reach an optimal relaxation of the pelvic-floor, an individually adapted voiding and drinking schedule to teach the child to deal consciously with the bladder and its function and a number of simple rules for application at home to increase the involvement and motivation of the child. In children however with persisting idiopathic detrusor instability additional therapeutic measures may be necessary to improve present urologic symptoms (incontinence problems, frequency, urge) and to increase bladder capacity. Intravesical biofeedback has been used to stretch the bladder and seems to be useful in case of sensory urge. Recently a less invasive technique, called transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), has been applied on level of S3 with promising results in children with urodynamicaly proven detrusor instability, in which previous therapies have failed.