The Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) was held in Savannah, Georgia, on 21-23 February 2002. This meeting was the largest to date, with more than 600 registered attendees, five outstanding plenary speakers, 10 symposia, six oral paper sessions, and four filled-to-capacity poster sessions. The meeting content represented three major areas of SRNT's emphasis: Preclinical, Epidemiology/Public Health and Clinical research; thus the meeting was an outstanding opportunity to share with, and learn from, colleagues engaged in the full spectrum of nicotine and tobacco research. Additional events included pre- and post-meeting symposia, a career development question-and-answer workshop, a global network interest meeting, and a variety of awards. SRNT also remembered and honored the lives and work of two outstanding colleagues who were lost to the society over the past year: Dr. Chris Silagy and Dr. John Slade. Highly significant and innovative research continues in the field of nicotine and tobacco, and this innovation and significance was readily apparent in the science presented at the eighth annual meeting.