At present, the relation between alcoholic consumption and the development of hepatic injury is clearly defined. However, the influence of genetic factors, the existence of associated pathologies, and the concomitant use of other hepatotoxic agents should also be considered.During chronic drunkenness, great quantities of oxygen free radicals are produced, redox balance is disturbed, and the defensive capacity of natural antioxidants is exceeded. All these factors originate an "oxidative stress," that totally distorts the hepatocellular function. Llkewise, an increase in the acetaldehyde intracellular concentration modifies several cellular proteins, deteriorating even more the hepatic activity. The importance of the "neo-antigens" between cellular components and acetaldehyde is still undefined, as well as their role in the formation of the Mallory Bodies.On the other hand, the complex network of intercellular and intracellular communications that includes cytokines, adherence molecules and membrane receptors are essential elements to be considered in the alcoholic liver disease genesis. The endotoxin, the TNF-a, the IL-8, as well as the ROIs production seem to be the most important factors.With reference to Alcoholic Hepatitis, the development of an exaggerated inflammatory response with the existence of neutrophiles may be the main mechanism of hepatocellular injury (82, 167, 168.)The final diagnosis of Alcoholic Hepatitis is histological. This also enables to measure the injury severity and to determine the presence of fibrosis and/or cirrhosis, in which case prognosis is more uncertain.Should a history of exaggerated alcoholic ingestion exist, diagnosis could be clinically determined. There is a great variability of clinical symptoms, and some patients present chronic liver disease complications frequently. Those who develop severe liver insufficiency will present leukocytosis, icterus and fever. In these cases, mortality can be as high as 80 per cent. There is no relationship between the alteration of liver function tests and the injury severity.The usefulness of antioxidants in cirrhosis has been demonstrated in animal modeis and in some studies made in human voluntarles. However, their role as therapy within the context of Alcoholic Hepatitis has not been yet defined.In conclusion, several therapeutic approaches have been investigated and from all of them, only steroids have proven to be effective on patients properly selected. The discriminative function (DF) benefit has been confirmed in certain studies. Should a patient have a DIF of more than 93, he/she may receive corticosterold treatment. Contral ndicati ons are a bsol ute when the patientpresents infection, renal insufficiency or gastrointestinal bleeding.Once the patient has been compensated, ABSTINENCE is essential. Likewise, an appropriate nutritional support is an important part of the treatment.Where the possibility of Liver Transplant exists, this should be planned if there is a deterioration of the patient's general condition or if he/she compiles with the necessary criteria, since the survival rate in these cases is similar to those who received a transpiant due to other causes.