We report measurements of the anisotropy of the spin echo decay for the inner layer Cu site of the triple layer cuprate Hg(0.8)Re(0.2)Ba(2)Ca(2)Cu(3)O(8) (T(c)=126 K). The angular dependence of the second moment (T(-2)(2M) identical with <Deltaomega(2)>) deduced from the decay curves indicates that T(-2)(2M) for H0 parallel c is enhanced in the pseudogap regime below T(pg) approximately 170 K, as seen in bilayer systems. Comparison of T(-2)(2M) between H0 parallel c and H0 perpendicular c indicates that this enhancement is caused by electron spin correlations between the inner and the outer CuO2 layers. The results provide the answer to the long-standing controversy regarding the opposite T dependences of (T1T)(-1) and T(-2)(2G) (T(2G): Gaussian component) in the pseudogap regime of multilayer systems.