Background/aims: As endoscopic procedures become various and complicated, it becomes necessary to develop alternative techniques for tissue suture and ligation. We have developed a new suture technique intracorporeal knotting.
Methodology: An 8-cm suture material having a knot on the other side of a needle, was used in laparoscopic surgery. Furthermore, a 5-mm2 Vicryl mesh was pierced as a buttress. The Lapra-ty was used to secure the tissue. Under laparotomy, the forestomach of a male Donryu rat at 6 weeks of age was incised and sutured with 3-0 Vicryl. 3-0 Vicryl was secured with the knot substitute (group A) or three-throw knot (group B) under Nembutal anesthesia. The animals were sacrificed 7 days after operation. Specimens were taken from the forestomach. Those were fixed with 10% formalin and stained with hematoxylin eosin and Elastica Wangieson methods. The histological findings were compared between group A and group B. A successful laparoscopic closure using Lapra-ty is reported in a patient with a perforation of the sigmoid colon.
Results: Microscopically, in this method, neither erosion, ulcer nor microabscess is evidenced. This method may make an intracorporeal knot easy. Also we treated a patient who had a perforation of the sigmoid colon using Lapra-ty. The patient recovered without any trouble.
Conclusions: This method could make ligation technique much easier and the operating time shorter.