Anastomotic insufficiency is considered to be one of the most serious complications associated with esophageal reconstruction. The purposes of this study were to identify (1) the relationship between anastomotic insufficiency and tissue blood flow (TBF) in the gastric tube in the perioperative period, and (2) the effects of intravenous prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) on TBF in the gastric tube. The study group consisted of 44 patients who were to undergo esophagectomy for esophageal cancer. Intraoperative and postoperative TBF on the serosal side of the gastric tube were measured by laser-Doppler tissue blood flowmetry. The TBF of the Leakage(+) group (n = 5) was poorer than that of the Leakage(?) group (n = 39) during the intraoperative and postoperative periods. There was a significant difference in TBF between the two groups at postoperative day (POD) 3. There was a tendency in the PGE1(+) group (n = 18) to exhibit richer blood flow through the anastomosis than the PGE1(?) group (n = 26), intraoperatively, but the difference was not significant. Two of five Leakage(+) cases were also in the PGE1(+) group. There was no relationship between intraoperative medication with PGE1 and incidence of leakage. The TBF of three-field lymph node dissection and reconstruction of the retrosternal route group (n = 21) was poorer than that of the two-field lymph-node dissection and reconstruction of the posterior mediastinal route group (n = 23). The TBF in the gastric tube after esophagectomy may be a predictor of anastomotic insufficiency. However, PGE1 treatment in the intraoperative period alone is not effective in preventing anastomotic insufficiency.