Paravertebral and paraspinal tumors in the posterior mediastinum are predominantly neurogenic in origin. The treatment comprises surgical extirpation. We report a case of a 40-year-old man with a 2-month history of pain epigastrium, radiating to the left scapula, and marked (10 kg) weight loss. Preoperative CT scan showed a paraspinal mass 8 cm in diameter at the level of the tenth thoracic vertebra. A CT scan-guided fine-needle aspiration cytologic analysis revealed the mass to be of neurogenic origin. Transabdominal laparoscopic excision of this lower posterior mediastinal neurogenic tumor was attempted and accomplished safely. The approach was through the left crural fibers, which were split to access the lower posterior mediastinum. Operating time was 122 minutes. Postoperatively, a left intercostal drain was inserted. The patient was discharged on the third postoperative day, after intercostal drain removal. Lower posterior mediastinal paraspinal tumors can be resected laparoscopically with careful preoperative investigation for tumor localization and a meticulous laparoscopic technique. A major advantage of transabdominal laparoscopic resection, as compared with open or thoracoscopic (VATS) excision, is that the patient recovers rapidly with minimal operative and anesthetic morbidity.