Objective: To report two myelodysplatic syndromes (MDS) patients with t(3; 5) (q25; q34).
Methods: Chromosome specimens were prepared by short-term culture of bone marrow cells. Karyotype analysis was performed by R banding technique, chromosome painting (fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH) by using whole chromosome 3 and 5 probes in case 1.
Results: The clinical and hematological findings were compatible with diagnosis of MDS. Karyotype analysis showed that both patients had identical t(3; 5) (q25; q34) translocation. A reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 3q and 5q was proved by FISH in one patient.
Conclusions: t(3; 5) translocation is a rare chromosome abnormality specifically associated with MDS and frequently displays trilineage dysplasia. Chromosome painting technique is a reliable tool for detecting this translocation.