To report the outcomes of the first 50 paediatric patients who have undergone liver transplantation (LT) at the Victorian Liver Transplant Unit, a retrospective review of case records was carried out. From December 1988 to December 2000, 108 patients 18 years or younger were referred for LT; 50 of these underwent a total of 53 transplants. The most common indications were biliary atresia (32%), metabolic disease (26%), and acute hepatic necrosis (26%). The majority of deaths (6/7) occurred in the 1st week after LT. The actuarial survival at 1 year was 88% (95% CI 75% to 94%) and at 10 years 85% (95% CI 71% to 93%). Survival rates were highest for children aged 3 to 14 years (95%) and lowest in those weighing less than 8 kg at the time of LT (66%). All 43 survivors are attending age-appropriate activities including kindergarten, school, and employment. The survival of patients undergoing LT in this unit compares favourably with those recorded by the Australia and New Zealand Transplant Registry and is commensurate with that reported by larger paediatric transplant programs overseas.