Background: Submillimeter endoscopes are now available and have been described to assist surgeons in the evaluation and management of symptomatic nipple discharge.
Methods: To evaluate its potential use, a microendoscope (0.9 mm Acueity) was used on all patients in a single surgeon's practice who were undergoing nipple exploration for spontaneous hemoccult positive nipple discharge. This procedure was performed at the surgical resection of the symptomatic retro-areolar duct, and 27 patients underwent the endoscopy during the period from January 2000 to August 2001.
Results: In 96% (26 of 27) of the patients, the endoscope was successfully introduced into the lactiferous sinus, and the proximal breast ducts were successfully visualized. A lesion accounting for the bleeding was seen in all 26 patients, with 70% (n = 19) having multiple intraluminal defects. Cancers were identified in two cases (7.4%), and in both cases, there was a more proximal papilloma in the same ductal system. Similarly, in 33% of the benign cases, both papillomas and usual or atypical ductal hyperplasia were present. Lesions were identified that extended up to 7.5 cm deep to the nipple. The deepest lesion was one of the endoscopically identified cancers in a patient with normal mammogram and breast ultrasound. Surgical resection could be directed by simple transillumination of the skin during endoscopy.
Conclusions: This series demonstrates the clinical feasibility of routine operative breast endoscopy in the management of bloody nipple discharge. The high incidence of multiple lesion identification suggests that the classic blind resection of a limited distance of duct in the retroareolar space may significantly underestimate the true extent of proliferative disease accounting for pathologic nipple discharge.