The CA1 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus markedly differ in their susceptibility to hypoxia in general, and more particularly to the intermittent hypoxia that characterizes sleep apnea. Proteomic approaches were used to identify proteins differentially expressed in the CA1 and CA3 regions of the rat hippocampus and to assess changes in protein expression following a 6-h exposure to intermittent hypoxia (IH). Ninety-nine proteins were identified, and 15 were differentially expressed in the CA1 and the CA3 regions. Following IH, 32 proteins in the CA1 region and only 7 proteins in the more resistant CA3 area were up-regulated. Hypoxia-regulated proteins in the CA1 region included structural proteins, proteins related to apoptosis, primarily chaperone proteins, and proteins involved in cellular metabolic pathways. We conclude that IH-mediated CA1 injury results from complex interactions between pathways involving increased metabolism, induction of stress-induced proteins and apoptosis, and, ultimately, disruption of structural proteins and cell integrity. These findings provide initial insights into mechanisms underlying differences in susceptibility to hypoxia in neural tissue, and may allow for future delineation of interventional strategies aiming to enhance neuronal adaptation to IH.