The distributions of X and Y optic nerve fibre terminals in the A and A1 laminae of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) of the cat have been determined by a method that eliminates the Y fibres. A pressure-blocking technique was used in a sterile operation to produce anterograde degeneration in the Y fibres with minimal effect on the X fibres. Subsequently the Fink/Heimer technique was used to stain for degenerating fibres. This showed a strong peak of degeneration in the ventral regions of the laminae. Tritiated leucine was injected into one eye either of a normal cat or of one in which the optic nerve had been pressure-blocked at least one week previously. Subsequent examination of the LGNd by autoradiography showed a more uniform distribution of label in the laminae deprived of Y input (i.e. the pattern of distribution of X fibres). Subtraction of this distribution from that produced in a normal cat (i.e. X + Y input) gave the Y distribution. As in the degeneration studies, this revealed a peak of label in the most ventral part of each lamina but also showed a smaller peak in the most dorsal regions.