The suitability of an air-exposed culture model consisting of a collagen matrix was investigated for constructing an advancing front (AF) of human middle ear epithelium (MEE) and meatal epidermis (ME). Three different culture settings were used: (i ) MEE; (ii) ME; and (iii) AF (MEE + ME). Small tissue biopsies were placed on a fibroblast-populated collagen matrix and grown at the air-liquid interface. After 3 weeks of culture, the MEE and ME outgrowth was differentiated. Light, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy showed no visible differences compared to native MEE and ME. Cytokeratin 8 and cytokeratin 10 expressions were comparable to the expression seen in the native MEE and ME tissues. Proliferation, which was demonstrated by the expression of Ki-67, was present in the basal layers of cultured MEE and ME. A double layer of cells in which the ME covered the MEE formed the AF. In the AF, the MEE and ME showed the same morphological and immunohistochemical characteristics as in their native tissues. The results of the study show that this in vitro system is a well-defined model system offering the possibility to study the effects of external stimuli on the different epithelia of the AF involved in the pathogenesis of cholesteatoma.