Background & objectives: Tumor orthotopic transplantation model has become the main carrier for tumor animal experiment. However, there was no convenient and reliable method to monitor tumor growth in animal body. This study was designed to evaluate the monitoring impact of urinary beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-HCG) on tumor growth in orthotopic implantation model.
Methods: Pclone-beta-HCG stably transfected human ovarian carcinoma cell line A2780-CG was made as the orthotopic implantation model. The urinary beta-HCG/creatine ratio was continuously determined and plotted into curve, so as to indirectly know the rule of tumor growth in nude mice and the monitoring value of the ratio for intraperitoneal chemotherapy by cisplatin.
Results: The tumorigenesis time in beta-HCG system transfected tumor cell A2780-CG was similar to that in the original cell line. The content of urinary beta-HCG/creatine had a positive correlation to tumor weight in animal body (r = 0.98); After chemotherapy with cisplatin, the beta-HCG/creatine ratio showed progressively decreased.
Conclusion: beta-HCG system could be used to sensitively and non-invasively monitor the tumor growth in orthotopic implantation model of human ovarian carcinoma in nude mice. Meanwhile, it provides a new convenient monitoring method for tumor treatment in the model.