A joint CDA-Institutes of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis study was undertaken to evaluate the dental research priorities of Canadian dentists. A self-complete questionnaire was sent to all dentists in Canada with the December 2001 JCDA. This last article in a 3-part series presents the results on funding priorities. By April 1, 2002, 2,788 questionnaires, representing a response rate of approximately 16%, had been returned. Of 8 broad areas of research, respondents identified areas related to treatments as the most important: 77% cited the evaluation of the effectiveness of techniques and treatments as high priority, 76% the development of treatments and 70% the development of materials. The areas judged less important were improvements in access to care (42%) and a better understanding of patient behaviour (25%). With respect to more specific research topics, the highest priority subjects were dental materials other than amalgam and periodontal diseases.