There are several therapeutic options for fecal incontinence but often they do not achieve good results in the long run. This study dealt with sacral nerve modulation, a new therapeutic option. Twenty-one patients underwent pudendal nerve evaluation (PNE) at our institution. Nine patients were affected by both fecal and urinary incontinence, 3 had fecal incontinence and anal pain, 5 had fecal incontinence and pelvic floor dyssynergia, and 4 had isolated fecal incontinence. They underwent morphological, functional and psychological tests prior to PNE, showing no sphincter rupture, almost normal anal pressures, impaired rectal sensation and deficient psychological pattern. All patients underwent at least two nerve evaluations. Four of 21 patients (19%) were selected to receive a permanent sacral electrode, as PNE seemed to have improved their symptoms by >75%. A median follow-up of 15 months (range, 6-24 months) showed that this method decreases weekly episodes of incontinence and increases maximal squeeze pressure. We demonstrated an increase in basal pressure in 3 of 4 patients (all with isolated fecal incontinence). Rectal sensation threshold decreased in three patients; urge threshold decreased in two patients and increased in two patients, but in each patient we got a stabilization. We evaluated the quality of life by applying the Short Form Health Survey test (SF-36). All 4 patients showed a significant increase in the scores of physical, emotional and social role functioning after the permanent implant. In conclusion, sacral nerve modulation may improve physical, physiological and social quality of life in selected groups of incontinent patients without gross sphincter lesions and with impaired rectal sensation.