In the Syrian hamster, short photoperiod (SP) induces changes in several physiological functions (body mass, reproduction, hibernation), and these responses involve the pineal hormone melatonin. The present study investigated the effects of a melatonin antagonist, S22153, on photoperiodic adaptation of male Syrian hamster. When constantly released from subcutaneous implants, S22153 had no effect on body or testes masses of animals kept in long photoperiod. S22153 decreased the total hibernation duration observed in animals exposed to SP and low temperature. The decrease in hibernation duration was due to a marked reduction in the number and duration of hypothermic bouts. Moreover, S22153 significantly inhibited the increase of interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) mass induced by SP. However, neither the gonadal atrophy nor the body mass increase induced by SP were affected by S22153. These results show that S22153 affects only part of the physiological changes controlled by SP and cold. Whether the decreases in BAT mass and hibernation duration are linked still remains an open question.