The undulation pump total artificial heart (UPTAH) is a small implantable total artificial heart. As the UPTAH generates outflow and inflow at the same time, control of the UPTAH is very difficult. Therefore suitable control methods specifically for the UPTAH should be established. Various motor control, left-right flow balance control, and physiological control methods were examined and tried for the UPTAH control in this study. The control system is divided into seven categories. It has a hierarchical structure and all control modes work at the same time. The UPTAH with the newly developed control method has been implanted into the chest cavities of 48 goats. Until now, six goats survived for more than one month, including 63 days in the longest case. The good condition of the UPTAH implanted animal could be maintained with the newly developed control scheme, consisting of the 1/R control and several other additional controls.