Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) is a well-known cause for hypernasality. To overcome this problem, the authors use a static surgical technique: a cranially or caudally based flap. In 93 patients, the results of this technique on speech (hypernasality, nasal air escape, articulation) and velopharyngeal function were evaluated over a period of at least 1 year. In 53 patients, pharyngoplasty flaps were based caudally. In 40 patients, pharyngoplasty flaps were based cranially. The patients were age 2.5 to 24.5 years, with a mean of 5.5 years (SD: 4 years and 2 months). Improvement was found in almost all patients. The patients who underwent surgery when they were younger than age 6 significantly improved better then the patients who were treated when they were older than age 6. There were no differences in outcome between cranially based and caudally based flaps. There were also no differences between patients with plain VPI and patients with VPI (e.g., Pierre Robin sequence and Shprintzen).