Spring wheat Longchun No. 13 and Ganmai No. 8 were introduced by sorghum DNA via pollen tube pathway, and two stable progenies (89,122 and 89,144 respectively) were obtained through selection for several years. The results of photosynthetic analysis showed that photosynthetic rate (P) and photosynthetic/transpiration rate (E/P) of 89,122 and 89,144 were mediated between their recipients and donor respectively, which demonstrated stronger photosynthetic efficiency than their receptors. However, the delta 13 C values in assimilates from 89,122, 89,144 and their maternal wheat cultivars G8 and L13 were approximately same, and they were significant different from sorghum. The chlorophyll content and the ratio of Chla/Chlb of them also showed that wheat cultivars and sorghum were different. It might demonstrated that the stronger photosynthetic efficiency of the progenies was due to their higher Calvin cycle metabolism efficiency rather than their carbon-fixation pathway difference. On the other hand, it also suggested that the distant genetic materials of the sorghum affected the photosynthetic characteristics of 89122 and 89144.