Endothelial cell barrier (EC) properties regulate blood tissue fluid flux. To determine the role of endothelial-matrix interactions in barrier regulation, we induced cell shrinkage by exposing confluent endothelial monolayers to hyperosmolarity. The dominant effect of a 15-min hyperosmolar exposure was an increase in the trans-endothelial electrical resistance, indicating the induction of barrier strengthening. Hyperosmolar exposure also increased activity of focal adhesion kinase and E-cadherin accumulation at the cell periphery. Concomitantly, the density of actin filaments increased markedly. In EC monolayers stably expressing constitutively active or dominant negative isoforms of Rac1, the actin response to hyperosmolar exposure was enhanced or blocked, respectively, although the response in trans-endothelial resistance was unaffected, indicating that the endothelial barrier enhancement occurred independently of actin. However, in monolayers expressing a kinase-deficient mutant of focal adhesion kinase, the hyperosmolarity-induced increases in activity of focal adhesion and peripheral E-cadherin enhancement were blocked and the induced increase of electrical resistance was markedly blunted. These findings indicate that in EC exposed to hyperosmolar challenge, the involvement of focal adhesion kinase was critical in establishing barrier strengthening.