Sorption and desorption hysteresis of 1,2-dichlorobenzene, 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene, naphthalene, and phenanthrene were investigated for the Borden aquifer material with total organic carbon of 0.021% and the isolated natural organic matter (NOM). The isolated NOM is a kerogen type of organic matter with relatively low maturation degree and contained many different types of organic matters including vitrinite particles. The modified Freundlich sorption capacities (logK(')(f) and logK(')(foc)) are very close for the sorption of the four solutes by the isolated NOM and the original sand, respectively. Isotherm non-linearity (n value) and hysteric behaviors are related to solute molecular properties (e.g. K(ow) and molecular size). Kerogen encapsulated by inorganic matrices in the original aquifer may not be accessed fully by solutes. The larger the hydrophobic organic chemical (HOC) (hydrophobic organic contaminant) molecule is, the lower accessibility of the HOC to kerogen. This study disputes widely held hypothesis that sorption to mineral surfaces may play a major role in the overall sorption by low TOC (e.g. 0.1% by mass) geomaterials such as Borden sand. It also demonstrates the importance of the condensed NOM domain, even at very low contents, in the sorption and desorption hysteresis of HOCs in groundwater systems.