Crown width, height and buccal surface areas were measured on heads or skulls of four dogs and four cats, and were compared with similar measurements on models of human dentition. Buccal surface area variability was greater in dogs and cats than in humans, and teeth of cats were smaller. Horizontal (gingival and occlusal halves) and vertical (mesial, middle, and distal thirds) buccal surface area variability was also greater in canine and feline teeth compared with human teeth. This increased variability suggests the need for testing of reliability and repeatability of scoring when using plaque and calculus indices based on horizontal or vertical segmentation. Buccal surface area variability between teeth also prompts questioning the validity of equal weighting of smaller, irregularly-shaped teeth when calculating a mean mouth score. Whether equal or more reliable results would be obtained from scores of whole teeth in comparison with segmentation indices used currently has yet to be determined.