Recurrent panic attacks, anticipatory anxiety and phobic avoidance characterise panic disorder. The influence of genetic factors on liability to the disease has been the object of several linkage and association studies and appears to relate to an oligo- or polygenic rather than a monogenic mode of inheritance. Recently, an excess of high activity monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) gene promoter alleles was found in female patients with panic disorder. An analysis of possible synergistic effects of the MAO-A gene promoter variant and the short serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene promoter variant in panic disorder was performed in a German and an Italian sample (combined panic disorder n = 144, combined controls n = 175). There was no significant difference in odds ratios, suggesting that the observed increase of genetic liability by the long MAO-A gene promoter allele is not modified by the 5-HTT gene promoter polymorphism.