Objectives: The purpose of this article was to compare age-related histomorphometric changes between palatal and labial salivary glands (PSG and LSG, respectively).
Study design: Analysis of the mean proportional volume (MPV) of the acinar component (AC), ductal component (DC) and of the inflammatory component (IC) was performed on 120 samples of PSG and LSG obtained from subjects with no known history of salivary gland tumors/diseases. Samples were divided into young (n=30, < or =30y), adult (n=45, 31-60y) and old (n=45, >60y) age groups.
Results: In PSG, a significant decrease in MPV of AC (p<0.0001) with a concomitant significant increase in MPV of DC (p<0.0001) was found among all age groups. In LSG, a significant decrease in MPV of AC (p=0.002) with a concomitant increase in MPV of DC (p=0.002) was found between the adult and old age groups. A significant increase in MPV of IC in PSG was found between the young and adult groups (p<0.0001), while in LSG it became evident only between the adult and old groups (p<0.0001). Inflammatory and ductal components demonstrated the same pattern of age-related changes in both PSG and LSG.
Conclusions: In light of these results, it is suggested that earlier and continuous changes in PSG, as compared to LSG, may partially explain the more frequent involvement of PSG in pathologic conditions.